The Game

Note- A sector consists of a letter and two numbers   Ex. C4-1     The letter represents the quadrant, the first number represents the layer in relation to the center (Ex. Layer 4 would be the 4th layer from the center), and the second number represents the distance from Y. C4-1 would be Section C, layer 4, 1 square away from Y. Each country will get a move a day (including countries added that same day)

How war works. Each nation will start with 0% war score. Each year marks another battle. Both nations will gain a random number from 1 to however many provinces they have. Whoever gets to 100% first, wins. No country at war can take in any new allies, and colonized provinces do not count if colonized after the war started. If a smaller country is able to surpass a bigger country in war score, they will sign a white peace. If one nation has more than five times the war score of another country, they automatically win. 

There are only allowed two special events per day (war, new nation, and independence)


People's Democratic Republic of Waedifw           Grand Covenant

Yiopq Union State                                                    Grand Covenant

Ypott Aristocracy                                                     Grand Covenant  

Free Republic of Para                                              Grand Covenant

Tyjystan                                                            Grand Covenant


1 FY- Waedifw colonizes sector D5-4

2 FY- Lem Commune forms on sector B7-7

3 FY- Tealonr increases the stability of their nation

4 FY- Yiopq colonizes sector B8-1

5 FY- Gior colonizes sector D3-2

6 FY- Ypott increases their stability

7 FY- Lem allies with Gior forming the Allied Pact

8 FY- Waedifw colonizes sector D4-3

9 FY- Tealonr becomes more unstable

10 FY- Joav gains their independence from Yiopq

11 FY- Yiopq becomes more stable

12 FY- Gior and Lem went to war with Tealonr

13 FY- Ypott colonized sector D7-8. Gior invaded and annexed Tealonr

14 FY- Lem became less communist

15 FY- Joav formed an alliance with Waedifw called the Honorable Pact

16 FY- Qic and Yaigg forms on sector D6-8

17 FY- Waedifw colonizes sector D4-2

18 FY- Yiopq and Ypott form the Grand Covenant

19 FY- Gior colonizes sector B2-2

20 FY- Ypott and Yiopq go to war with Lem and Gior (The Grand Covenant goes to war with the Allied Pact)

21 FY- The Lem communist party lost even more support and they formed a theocratic democracy. 

22 FY- Joav reinforces their fascist regime

23 FY- Qic and Yaigg colonize sector D6-7. Lem and Gior sign a white peace with Ypott and Yiopq

24 FY- Waedifw breaks their alliance with Joav

25 FY- Waedifw joins the Grand Covenant

26 FY- Edmo formed on sector B5-4

27 FY- Joav joins the Allied Pact

28 FY- Ypott colonized sector D7-7

29 FY- Lem colonized sector B7-6

30 FY- Joav colonized sector B9-1

31 FY- Qic and Yaigg join the Grand Covenant

32 FY- Edmo joins the Allied Pact

33 FY- Xaebnu forms on sector A5-3

34 FY- Xaebnu colonized sector A4-3

35 FY- Waedifw colonized sector D4-1

36 FY- Yiopq colonized sector A9-1

37 FY- The Allied Pact has declared war on the Grand Covenant

38 FY- Xaoh formed on sector C7-1. Grand Covenant has 12% war score while the Allied Pact has 5%

39 FY- Ypott has minor independence movements that they were able to crush. Grand Covenant has 16% war score while the Allied Pact has 14%

40 FY- Lem colonized sector B8-7. Grand Covenant has 22% war score while the Allied Pact also has 22%

41 FY- Joav held a parade in its capital to denounce their opposition. Grand Covenant has 25% war score while the Allied Pact also has 25%

42 FY- Qic and Yaigg colonize sector B6-8. Grand Covenant has 30% war score while the Allied Pact has 28%

43 FY- Edmo colonized sector B5-3. Grand Covenant has 35% war score while the Allied Pact has 33%

44 FY- Xaebnu becomes less politically disunited and forms a two-party state with the parties of Liberalism and Communism. Grand Covenant has 43% war score while the Allied Pact has 39%

45 FY- Xaoh drops oligarchism and becomes a liberal-democracy. Grand Covenant has 51% war score while the Allied Pact has 43%

46 FY- Waedifw colonized sector D5-3. Grand Covenant has 61% war score while the Allied Pact has 48%

47 FY- Yiopq has a decrease in stability. Grand Covenant has 63% war score while the Allied Pact has 54%

48 FY- Gior colonizes sector D2-2. Grand Covenant has 64% war score while the Allied Pact has 63%

49 FY- Ypott becomes more hostile to foreign people-groups. Grand Covenant has 74% war score while the Allied Pact has 72%

50 FY- Lem becomes less stable as they lose the war. Grand Covenant has 86% war score while the Allied Pact has 73%

51 FY- Joav throws an anti-Yiopq parade. Grand Covenant has 98% war score while the Allied Pact has 76%. With the Allied Pact having no chance of winning, they surrender. Gior, Joav, Lem, and Edmo were all annexed. 

52 FY- Qic and Yaigg left the Grand Covenant.

53 FY- Xaebnu colonized sector A4-4

54 FY- Xaoh and Xaebnu form the 1st Compact

55 FY- Waedifw becomes more aggressive

56 FY- Exoy gains its independence from Yiopq at sector A9-1

57 FY- Ypott colonized sector B8-6

58 FY- Qic and Yaigg colonized sector B6-7

59 FY- The 1st Compact goes to war with the Grand Covenant. 

60 FY- Xaoh colonized sector C7-2. Grand Covenant has 18% war score while the 1st Compact has 4%

61 FY- Exoy allies with Qic and Yaigg, forming the Cultural Front. Grand Covenant has 22% war score while the 1st Compact has 6%

62 FY- Waedifw has minor revolutionary movements that they were able to stop. Grand Covenant has 30% war score while the 1st Compact has 9%

63 FY- The people of Yiopq held a protest for peace in the capital. Grand Covenant has 41% war score while the 1st Compact has 12%

64 FY- Ypott colonized sector D7-6. Grand Covenant has 50% war score while the 1st Compact has 13%

65 FY- Qic and Yaigg denounce the war. Grand Covenant has 61% war score while the 1st Compact has 14%

66 FY- Exoy colonized sector A9-2. The Grand Covenant annexes the 1st Compact: Xaebnu and Xaoh


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